Meet The Creator



Meet The Owner - The H.I.M. Blueprint for Success

Meet, Valerie, a Registered Health Information Technician and the owner and creator of The H.I.M. Blueprint for Success®, H.I.M. Careers Club Podcast, “The RACA Method,” and “ICAD-PAL Framework.”

Valerie is a highly experienced healthcare revenue integrity specialist with over 18 years of experience in Health Information Management. Her extensive career has given her a deep understanding of the complexities of healthcare revenue management, and she has become an expert in identifying and addressing issues related to billing, coding, compliance, and reimbursement.

With her vast knowledge and expertise across many departments, prestigious healthcare organizations, government and managerial roles, Valerie has progressed into becoming an H.I.M. Career Strategist, where she assists healthcare professionals in strategically securing job offers, salary increases, and promotions. She has been featured twice in Business Insider for her work in the healthcare industry, and her strategies have resulted in $1.6 Million+ in salary increases collectively!

Valerie shares her insider knowledge on how healthcare professionals can strategically increase their income without having to obtain multiple degrees or credentials. Her strategies have helped countless individuals achieve their career goals, and she is thrilled to share her expertise with the world.




To empower health information management professionals to achieve exceptional career growth, leading them to financial independence and enhanced quality of life. We envision a world where every HIM professional can attain their highest potential, securing top-tier positions and salaries that reflect their true worth, thus positively impacting their personal lives and the broader economy.




Our mission at The H.I.M. Blueprint for Success is to provide comprehensive career coaching and support to health information management professionals, guiding them to exceed industry salary benchmarks and achieve job offers that are 25% or higher than their current earnings. Through personalized career strategies, expert resume writing, strategic job searching, interview mastery, and salary negotiation, we empower our clients to become the CEOs of their careers, enabling them to make executive decisions that lead to a fulfilling and prosperous life. Our commitment is to help HIM professionals unlock their full potential, ensuring they have access to better opportunities, improved living standards, and a brighter future for themselves and their families.


Welcome to the Family, 

Valerie Page, RHIT