H.I.M. Careers Club

  • Choosing the Right Medical Coding or Medical Billing Program: CAHIIM, AHIMA, and AAPC Approved Programs

    At the beginning of my career, I nearly made a huge mistake by enrolling in a program at a college that will remain " unnamed "... that wouldn't have allowed me to sit for the RHIT exam. Fortunately, I did my research and discovered the program was NOT accredited. 
  • What is a Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT)?

    If you're interested in pursuing a career in health information management, becoming an RHIT can be a great way to validate your skills and expertise in the field. Whether you're just starting out in your career or looking to take the next step, RHIT certification can open up a world of opportunities in the healthcare industry.
  • The Ultimate Interview Guide: 10 Interview Preparation Tips – H.I.M. Professionals Edition

    As you are taking the next step in your journey as a Health Information Management Professional, that consists of nabbing the perfect job interview. One thing you want to do before you start your interview is research and study the company you are applying to work at. Employers always ask one or maybe two questions about your knowledge of their company. Do yourself a solid and impress them with what you do know.
  • How To Prepare For An Interview- Medical Coder Edition

    Before we get into questions...be prepared to take a Pre-Employment Assessment ( Coding ) Test. The three main things you need to know before this assessment are:

    • How to abstract medical documentation
    • Coding guidelines
    • How to look up codes in coding books
  • The Secret to Networking on LinkedIn for Health Information Management Professionals

    With the rise in social media platforms, LinkedIn has become the number one platform for professionals to connect with other professionals. If you are not familiar with this platform strictly created for the professional in you and by professionals like you, then in this article I will give you the secret to networking on this platform with strategy and intentionality.
  • 5 Overlooked Industries for Health Information Management Professionals

    One of the biggest mistakes Health Information Management professionals make with their job search is only seeking employment with traditional employers such as hospitals, doctors’ offices, clinics, etc., leaving uncharted territory and hundreds of job opportunities undiscovered. In this article, I reveal five industries/sectors where Health Information Management professionals can build successful careers.